Helping fostering agencies improve children’s lives by working smarter
Improve child outcomes
Working with agencies across the United Kingdom, Ireland and beyond....
Manual processes and out-of-date software leave you exposed to poor practice, ultimately impacting on the quality of care you provide and holding you back from being an outstanding agency.
Is your agency...
Using workarounds to cover the shortfall in software functionality?
Worried your inspector will find something before you do?
Finding it difficult to access the information you need?
Struggling to manage the volume of paperwork?
Designed specifically for fostering agencies that are serious about working smarter. This is the software the fostering industry has been waiting for.
Managing a caseload has never been easier with pro-active tools that ensure nothing is missed.
Easy access to key metrics helps managers make strategic decisions based on live data .
Simple to use app gives carers complete freedom over when and how they work.
Reduce paperwork and drive efficiencies through automation and structured data collection.
We help you find the shortfalls before your inspector does.
A personalised software demo
We work with you to create a migration strategy
Start working smarter
Don’t let the fear of switching software hinder your progress. Our friendly on-boarding team will expertly guide you through every step of the transition, utilising our automated migration tools to ensure a seamless and efficient process. You can leave the office on Friday with peace of mind and return on Monday to a sleek, newly upgraded system.
Rob is one of our co-founders. As an ex-agency owner of over 250 children, he’s had first-hand experience of the frustrations caused by software that simply doesn’t meet the needs of the modern agency.
Ex-owner of an agency with 4 registrations
Ex-fostering consultant and ex-inspector
Over 30 years sector experience
Free download!
See how Intuitive Care can tick many of the evidencing requirements when you have an OFSTED or CIW visit.
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